5p6 is an experimental collaboration between violinist Joe Bowbeer (best known for anchoring electric Celtic band The Irish Experience) and guitarist/sound designer Scott Schaffer (Spontanea, Edge City Collective). They create hypnotic soundscapes using familiar musical tools in unfamiliar ways.
They’ve known each other since the mid-1980s and share backgrounds in acoustic and electronic music, with traditional roots and a persistent desire to wander far from them. Joe is a technologist and employed midi synthesis with his 5-string violin long before it became fashionable. (Did it become fashionable?) Scott has employed low- and high-tech tools in his trade for decades. This project was born in discussions of how to meld emerging technology with traditional playing in a way that preserves the strengths of both.
Contrasts between acoustic and electronic sounds, ambient, world and neoclassical textures, dissonant and melodic lines are the core of 5p6’s first album, Law of the Wavefront. The album is a combination of sequential layering and live recording, all improvised. The result is a genre-defying journey that blurs distinctions between past and future.
Buy Law of the Wavefront on Bandcamp.
““Grabs me the way the apollo ray-tracing fly-thru did back in the 20th century... but with much cooler trax!””
The second 5p6 release, an EP called Transposition, is based on a simple question: Can we make compositions from disconnected parts that had no original intention at all? The answer, as it turns out, is yes. Like an assemblage of found musical objects, each of the four pieces is a mashup of unexpected sounds molded into animated, ambient collages.
Buy Transposition on Bandcamp.
“En un mundo tan convulsivo... Llega la música de Law of the Wavefront como un remanso al espiritu.”